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Coil Art: what is Coil Porn and why did it become popular?

Coil Art: what is Coil Porn and why did it become popular?

Sooner or later every vaper gets interested in the process of coil-building. As they say, after vaping comes coil-building. Today, there are dozens of coil types: from the simplest to the most sophisticated. The latter are often referred to as the Coil Art.

Among the most unusual and complex coils there are so-called Coil Porn. Such coils can quickly absorb and deliver e-liquid depending on the heating. Their design is complex, so that it takes a long time for making it. Of course, to create a coil porn on the first try is difficult: this task requires both experience and patience.

To put it simply, Coil Porn is a kind of Coil Art: the more complicated the coil is, the cooler it is. Thanks to the creation of new unusual coils, the art of coil-building is developing. Vaping devotees try to invent something new and unique, so that their coil becomes a real break-through in the vaping industry.

Most often, the presentation of new coils takes place at vape exhibitions or during coil contests: participants from different corners of the world gather and compete for the glory of the most skillful and professional coil-builder.

The most famous Coil Porn are from Zipper Coil to Staple Staggered Fused Clapton coil formats. They have different designs, so that they reveal the taste of liquids differently.

The most common type that is a must for each coil-builder is Clapton: wrapping a thick base with a thinner layer of wire. That is why many coil names include this concept. Clapton is both good and bad because at the slightest drop in resistance, it sharply increases the evaporation area in comparison with the bare base.

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