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E-liquid: what a new vaper needs to know

E-liquid: what a new vaper needs to know

A vaping liquid is something that no vaper can do without. Despite the fact that there are thousands of unique mods and atomizers on the vape market, the variety of juices for vaping still beats that number without a doubt.

Today finding an e-juice even for the most particular vaper is not a problem. The flavors are countless, there’s fruit, sour, refreshing, tobacco, coffee, and even salty ones. You can find anything - just wish for it.

E-liquid: ingredients

Any vape liquid has a certain basis. It contains three elements: propylene glycol, glycerin and flavors. The nicotine liquids most often have 1, 3 or 6 mg of nicotine added per bottle.

When making a mixture for vaping, the balance of first two components is important to take into account. For example, with a 50/50 balance, taste and vapor generation will be equal. With a 70/30 balance, the vapor will be thicker and denser, but the taste - less rich.

This lets us make a conclusion that propylene glycol is responsible for taste intensity, and glycerin - for density of the vapor.

DYI e-juice: how to make it yourself

To make a vaping liquid by yourself, you should first do a bit of learning from professional mixologists. In general, this process consists of three stages: adding nicotine to propylene glycol (if the liquid is nicotine free - skip this step), mixing with glycerin and adding the flavor. Then you should put the liquid in a dark place for 1-2 days for infusion.

The most popular e-liquids can be found on many forums, where vapers share their experience with other users. Trying to create something of your own or not – every vaper chooses for themselves.

If you have an opportunity to talk to the creators of your favorite liquids, try to learn the formula of the juice that you use every day. At least you know exactly what taste should be like in the end and you'll try to get as close to the original as you can.

Find out more at VAPEXPO MOSCOW 2017!

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