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VAPE Devices vs IQOS: Comparison of Characteristics and Advantages

VAPE Devices vs IQOS: Comparison of Characteristics and Advantages

Both modern tobacco heating systems and vape devices are an excellent alternative to the harmful smoking habit. Which device is safer to use and how do they differ? Let’s turn to facts.


Application vape and iqos


The device acts as a relatively harmless substitution to ordinary cigarettes, as it allows smoking tobacco without burning it. For this purpose, tobacco sticks are used, which are inserted into the device. Inside the device, they heat up to 300-350 ℃ but do not burn. So, they produce vapor, but as nothing burns, hardly any harmful substances are produced. The scent does not settle on skin or clothes. Sticks contain nicotine.


Vape devices are usually used for other purposes. Their operation principle relies on the evaporation of the liquid and its transformation into the vapor that can be inhaled. There are liquids with nicotine and zero nicotine. The zest of vaping is the enjoyment of gustatory sensations provided by flavoring agents.

Batteries and performance

Batteries and performance vape and iqos


IQOS allows users to control and limit the number of sticks they smoke. A holder is responsible for the performance of the device. One charge allows smoking one nicotine stick. Full charge allows smoking 20 sticks, i.e. approximately a pack of cigarettes per day.


Vape devices can have higher or lower performance depending on the type and class of the device. An ordinary box mod can boast the capacity of 3,000 mA/h. Many batteries can be substituted for amplified batteries. A vaper has to regulate the intensity of vaping and the amount of nicotine (or non-nicotine vapor) he or she consumes.


Filling vape


The heating system of IQOS uses disposable sticks that are inserted in the device. Therefore, users have to buy sticks in the same way as cigarettes. Sticks are made of tobacco saturated with glycerin and propylene glycol. It is very important for the IQOS system to adhere to service rules, as tobacco chars and if the user does not clean the system regularly, charred effect strengthens and the device may start producing more harmful substances.


Vape devices have a simple and convenient filling system: the amount of e-liquid can be controlled during vaping. E-liquids are made of water, glycerin, propylene glycol, and flavoring agents. They may contain nicotine or have no nicotine at all. In such a way, vaping may become a way to stop consuming this substance or to reduce its quantity.

Useful properties and possible harm

Useful properties and possible harm iqos


When tobacco heats, it still produces potentially harmful chemicals. Besides, sticks always contain nicotine, although vapor produced by IQOS has 16% less nicotine than the vapor of ordinary cigarettes. When tobacco heats up in the IQOS system, 100 times less of harmful substances are produced and 80-90% less of them get into the body. However, one should take into account that the materials used to produce the device may be toxic as well when the temperature goes up.


Vape devices contain no tobacco, nothing burns or fumes – the device just evaporates the e-liquid. The vapor comes from glycol, glycerin, and propylene glycol, and pleasant sensations are provided by nicotine and food flavoring agents. Vape is much safer for surrounding people than ordinary cigarettes and twice as efficient compared to plasters or pills for those who try to quit smoking. To avoid overheating, devices use the temperature control function. The heating element is a consumable material that has to be replaced in time (not to inhale its decay products).

Permit to use

Permit to use iqos


The IQOS system works in a way that no scent or taint settles on clothes. It can be used indoors without fear of inflammation, as the device produces neither ashes nor sparks. There are standalone facilities that allow using IQOS, as it does not do harm to surrounding people.


Vaping is allowed in specially designated places; usually, they are standard areas where people can smoke ordinary cigarettes. Despite the fact that vape devices barely change air composition and smell good, it is forbidden to use them in public places. Nevertheless, some cafes allow using vape device. One just needs to make sure that vapor will not bother people that sit by.

Why VAPE and IQOS are less harmful than cigarettes

Why VAPE and IQOS are less harmful than cigarettes

Nicotine consumption lies in the basis of all smoking processes. Nicotine is an alkaloid of gasoline range contained in stems and leaves of tobacco. Nicotine is quickly assimilated by the body and gets into the blood in several seconds, affecting the central nervous system and the brain.

Nicotine quickly causes addiction and at the same time has both advantages and disadvantages – nicotine is not that harmful by itself. Of all substances contained in a cigarette, namely nicotine does less harm to health.

However, when a burning cigarette produces 250 harmful substances that influence the state of vessels, heart, can cause oncology diseases. Harm from these substances was confirmed by numerous scientific research. IQOS or vape can help to give up smoking and reduce harm to health.


It is impossible to give a direct answer as to what to choose – vape or IQOS. Devices are intended for different purposes and audiences: tobacco-heating systems are functional and aimed at replacing ordinary cigarettes, and vaping is a standalone subculture but can also help to quit smoking (and to get rid of nicotine addiction). Properties of vape devices, their influence on health and harmlessness compared to ordinary cigarettes have been properly researched. IQOS systems are relatively new devices and data about their use is scarce.

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